Donations for Prisoner Scriptures
The amazing part of this prison ministry is our ability to not only print our own Manuscripts but for us to be able to take any and all revenues from our ministry and continue the process of getting the Word of 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤄 into as many hands as possible.
Restored Names Scripture with the Apocrypha
Yah Scriptures is a restored names translation of the Scriptures and has the entire Tanaḵ (Old Testament), the B’rit Ḥaḏashah (New Testament), and 37 Scriptures of the Apocrypha. This is a revolutionary translation that will change the way you read Scriptures and the way you understand Scriptures. These Scriptures are built upon years of prior translations …
TzitTzit – set of 4
BEMIḎBAR 15 (Numbers 15)
Tsitsit are tassels attached to the four corners of clothing to serve as a reminder …
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