Restored Names Scripture with the Apocrypha


Yah Scriptures is a restored names translation of the Scriptures and has the entire Tanaḵ (Old Testament), the B’rit Ḥaḏashah (New Testament), and 37 Scriptures of the Apocrypha.  This is a revolutionary translation that will change the way you read Scriptures and the way you understand Scriptures.  These Scriptures are built upon years of prior translations and the thousands upon thousands of hours of reading, editing, and bringing them to you.  We have built these Scriptures on love and instead of making a business out of these Scriptures we are building a prison ministry that we hope and pray will be able to self fund free Scriptures to our brothers and sisters in chains.  Never before has a ministry with printed Scriptures been solely focused on getting free Scriptures into prisons as our core foundational goal.

Many people don’t know that the letter “J” wasn’t invented until the year 1524.   Many people don’t know that the translators that came before changed the names of 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤔𐤏 (Jesus) to Iesus and later to Jesus.  Neither being His name.  Some of the major changes to these Scriptures is the names of our Creator 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤄 (God) and His Son 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤔𐤏 (Jesus) have been changed to Paleo Hebrew.  All of the pagan origin words that were added through years of man made changes have been restored, and the proper names of our forefathers and mothers have also been restored to their original texts.

No longer do you need to deal with bad translators, Scriptures with improper translations, or not knowing if the text you are reading is correct.  These are the truest translations that you will ever find grouped together.

Yah Scriptures contains over 3153 pages of extremely hard to find Scriptures with a 14.5 point font for LARGE PRINT easy to read text!  The Book is soft cover 8.5 x 10.6 large print Scriptures with a very nice SVEPA PU cover that will protect your Scriptures for a long time.  It comes with 3 built in bookmarks to keep your place when you are reading.

This same Scriptures are sold by the Cepher group for over $95.  The Halleluyah Scriptures massively fleeces people by charging almost $400!  Yah Scriptures is the only place you will find 103 restored names Scriptures for $70 plus shipping.  And that $70 will also help us to begin getting free Scriptures into prisons.

We are currently taking pre-orders for our first printing of books.  We expect these will take about 5 to 7 months to arrive.  If you would like to reserve your copy today, please order now.

Shalom and may 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤄 (God) bless you and keep you.



These are the 103 books included in the Restored Names Scriptures

TANAḴ (First Covenant)
SHEMOTH (Exodus)
WAYYIQRA (Leviticus)
BEMIḎBAR (Numbers)
DEḆARIM (Deuteronomy)
SHEMU’ĔL 1 (1 Samuel)
SHEMU’ĔL 2 (2 Samuel)
MELAḴIM 1 (1 Kings)
MELAḴIM 2 (2 Kings)
YIRMEYAHU (Jeremiah)
YEḤEZQĔL (Ezekiel)
DANl’ĔL (Daniel)
HOSHĔA (Hosea)
YO’ĔL (Joel)
AMOS (Amos)
OḆAḎYAH (Obadiah)
YONAH (Jonah)
MlḴAH (Micah)
NAḤUM (Nahum)
ḤAḆAQQUQ (Habakkuk)
TSEPHANYAH (Zephaniah)
ḤAGGAI (Haggai)
ZEḴARYAH (Zechariah)
MAL’AḴI (Malachi)
MISHLĔY (Proverbs)
IYOḆ (Job)
SHIR HA’SHIRIM (Song of Songs)
RUTH (Ruth)
ĔYḴAH (Lamentations)
QOHELETH (Ecclesiastes)
EZRA (Ezra)
NEḤEMYAH (Nehemiah)
DlḆRĔY HA’YAMIM 1 (1 Chronicles)
DlḆRĔY HA’YAMIM 2 (2 Chronicles)

B’RIT ḤAḎASHAH (Renewed Covenant)
LUQAS (Luke)
MA’ASĔH (Acts)
GALATIYIM (Galatians)
TAS’LONIQIM 1 (1 Thessalonians)
TAS’LONIQIM 2 (2 Thessalonians)
QORIN’TIYIM 1 (1 Corinthians)
QORIN’TIYIM 2 (2 Corinthians)
ROMIYIM (Romans)
PILĔYMON (Philemon)
QOLASIM (Colossians)
EPH’SIYIM (Ephesians)
PILIPPIYIM (Philippians)
TIMOTIYOS 1 (1 Timothy)
TITOS (Titus)
TIMOTIYOS 2 (2 Timothy)
IḆRIM (Hebrews)
YA’AQOḆ (James)
KĔPHA 1 (1 Peter)
KĔPHA2 (2 Peter)
YOḤANAN 1 (1 John)
YOḤANAN 2 (2 John)
YOḤANAN 3 (3 John)
ḤAZON (Revelation)

THE APOCRYPHA (The Hidden Books)
1ST AḎAM AND ḤAWWAH (Adam and Eve 1)
2ND AḎAM AND ḤAWWAH (Adam and Eve 2)
ḤANOḴ (Enoch)
RE’UḆĔN (Reuben)
SHIM’ON (Simeon)
LĔWI (Levi)
DAN (Dan)
NAPHTALI (Naphtali)
GAḎ (Gad)
ASHĔR (Asher)
YISSASḴAR (Issachar)
ZEḆULUN (Zebulun)
YOSĔPH (Jospeh)
BINYAMIN (Benjamin)
YOḆELIM (Jubilees)
YASHAR (Jasher)
TEHILLIM ADDITIONS (Additions to Psalms)
ḤAḴMAH (Wisdom of Solomon)
WISDOM (Sirach / Ecclesiasticus)
LETTER OF YIRMEYAHU (Letter of Jeremiah)
BARUḴ (Baruch)
PRAYER OF MENASHSHEH (Prayer of Manasseh)
AZARYAH (Prayer of Azaryah)
DANI’ĔL ADDITIONS (Bel and the Dragon)
HAḎASSAH (Additions to Esther)
1 ESDRAS (1 Ezra)
2 ESDRAS (2 Ezra)
MAQQAḆIM 1 (1 Maccabees)
MAQQAḆIM 2 (2 Maccabees)
BOOK OF YOḤANAN (Book of John)
BOOK OF KALIEDY (Book of Natsarim)


Additional information

Weight 6 lbs
Dimensions 12 × 11 in


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