The Writings of Abraham is an amazing book that details the life and the journey of our forefather Abraham. Details of times and events that have never been uncovered and told have now been brought to life in these writings. With never before stories that link all of our known Scriptures to a whole new understanding, The Writings of Abraham tells of a Qodesh (holy) priesthood known as the Melchizedek Order. The earliest kehunnah (priesthood) mentioned in the Scripture’s (Bible) has been kept a secret for ages and is finally being revealed through these writings that are now available. Take a read through one of the best historical accounts that we have as you search the Scriptures for the truth that is within.
The Writings of Abraham have been completely restored back by Yah Scriptures to the original names of 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤄 (God) and all patriarchs names have been restored. All pagan influenced names have been removed and all proper names have been restored.



Kerri Craig · October 1, 2024 at 5:17 pm

curious why you included the writings of abraham.
looks like it is a book that the LDS references.
I have read most of the rest of the apocrypha, but there is lots of doubt about the writings of Abraham.

    Nicole Boss · October 1, 2024 at 5:33 pm

    This actually came from the book Order Of The Ancients. The writings of Elijah and the writings of Abraham were in the same book. Not Joseph Smith version.

    The earliest priesthood mentioned in the Bible, is alluded to as the order of Melchizedek. Melchizedek meaning ‘king of righteousness.’ In Psalms 110, Yahushua Messiah is spoken of as holding position in this ancient order.4 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤄 has sworn and does not relent, “You are a Kohĕn forever According to the order of Malkitseḏeq.” While this ancient group remains ambiguous and little defined within the canonical materials, we discover in the extra biblical texts much information which when examined, elaborates in great detail on the structure, association, and the membership of certain patriarchs to this timeworn organization.

    The historical roots and traditions of the Melchizedek priesthood are mentioned in great detail within the manuscripts compiled in this collection. Deciding to gather together these resources for print, one can find contained within extract of Adam’s initiation into this priesthood, as expounded upon by the Kitab Al Magalli, together in complete form the ancient manuscripts The Writings of Elijah, and The Writings of Abraham.

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