Yoḇelim (Jubilees) is a book that many refer to as the ‘Little Genesis’. It is attributed to be written by the hand of Moshe. The book of Yoḇelim counts the time from creation all the way to the life of Moshe and basis it in 50 year increments called Yoḇelim. Much of this book is the same as you will find from the Tanak (Torah) but with very calculated dates and times used for us to calculate Yoḇelim years. The entire book is an amazing timeline and pictures of a world long ago. This book can be used to understand Jubilees and our Creators incredible timeline.

The Book of Yoḇelim has been completely restored back by Yah Scriptures to the original names of 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤄 (God) and all patriarchs names have been restored. All pagan influenced names have been removed and all proper names have been restored.



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